About Tracey


My Story….

We all have one.

I share my story in my book, This Is Me to help you put your story into words because we are different, but the same.  We all struggle with putting ourselves first and loving ourselves from the inside out instead of the typical “outside in.”

As I wrote my story, I took an even deeper look at all the things that I’ve had hidden in myself, and are at the root of all my beliefs about how I care for my body and how I am now teaching my daughter. It was through this process that I realized that for many years, because of my history of losing my mother at an early age, I lived with the fear of what could go wrong with my body, rather than embracing all the things that could go right.

When I started tuning into my body, I felt more empowered and more in control of my life. I’ve learned that small shifts to improve our health come when we work to understand ourselves and find those parts of our story that are so entrenched in us, that we don’t realize they are making choices for us. When we understand ourselves better, we take back control, and we get to choose.  We’re not being driven by some latent, deep-hidden limiting belief or fear that locks us into habits and patterns that don’t serve us.

Through all my struggles, what has moved me most and help me grow and expand is to journal and retreat. We need to be able to see ourselves and we can’t do that in the sea of expectations and filters that we create to keep us safe, but that only keep us confined. It gives me back a part of me that got lost in the shuffle of life.

Retreats are essential for our soul. They help us see ourselves more clearly. Nature helps us feel like we’re part of a bigger plan. It helps us give our ego a rest and just be.

Journaling is a commitment to myself to reach something deeper within me and to not be afraid to own it. Writing things down makes them real.

We are 100% accountable for our lives. But the only way to change them is to take 100% accountability for how we are showing up.

Much love,


Tracey Miller is an author, health coach, speaker, and yoga instructor who helps women love their bodies from the inside out.

She is a mentor, teacher, innovator, and educator who believes in the power of self-care to live your most vibrant life.

Her work has been featured on WMUR’s New Hampshire Chronicle, the Portsmouth Herald and Edible Magazine.


  • Holistic Health Coach, Institute for Integrative Nutrition (Accredited by Columbia University Teacher's College), New York, NY 

  • Classical Yoga Advanced Teacher Training, YogaLife Institute - 500-hour certification

  • Certified Workplace Mindfulness Facilitators: Mindful Leader

  • Raw Food Educator: Raw Food Institute